She Runs Illinois 2020! — Chemberly Cummings, candidate for IL House Rep, District 105
She Votes Illinois is pleased to feature Chemberly Cummings, running for IL House of Representatives, District 105. Follow our series, She Runs Illinois 2020!, leading up to election day as we showcase and uplift the voices of Illinois women running for public office in the upcoming election.
Tell us about yourself
My name is Chemberly Cummings and my purpose in life is to serve. I have lived in the 105th district for 8 years, and truly fell in love with the community. The people, small businesses, and local passion for social justice from all walks of life. I started a women’s empowerment group on Central State University’s campus called Diva 2 Diva. While in the Bloomington-Normal community I led the Girls Be U program at Bloomington High School, and served on the board for the McLean County YWCA. I have met so many women who had suffered from sexual assault, and were given no help after being incarcerated. I want to represent the women I have encountered, and be their voice.
I have decided to run in order to change the representation of our area and truly represent our constituents. Our community is facing a time of complacency; a 20 year incumbent that has repeatedly voted against the needs of our constituents. This represents a time of complacency. Being ‘just alright’ is not enough. It is our responsibility as local leaders to go above and beyond for our districts and represent their needs. I bring a unique perspective compared to my opponent that I feel will benefit all citizens of Illinois.
Tell us about the women in your life
Women have the responsibility to play their role in politics. Since the creation of our county, women have been treated like second class citizens. Denied the right to vote. The right to an education. The right to be treated like human beings, not property. And recently the right to choose what happens to their body. To bring justice to women, we must represent our voice, because if history has taught us anything it is that men (including my incumbent opponent) do not fairly represent us.
My political idol is and was US Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones. She truly represented me; we graduated from the same high school, she grew up in the community adjacent to mine, and even attended the church I was baptized in. Not only did she serve as someone who represented me, but she showed me that a little girl from Cleveland, just like me, could make a difference in our community. She went into politics with a no nonsense approach; she was there to fight for the rights of her constituents because she loves people. Not only did she want to bring people justice and equality, but she really cared about their lives as a whole. She would stop just to talk to you, smile with you, and give hugs. She taught me confidence as a little girl, but my grandmother was truly the most influential female in my life. She only had a high school diploma, but she was a precinct committee woman, a campaign manager, and fundraising chair on local campaigns. She was in charge of Cuyahoga County’s Summer Youth Empowerment & Training Program, the Cuyahoga County Jobs program to help women find jobs, go back to school, and assist women who were on welfare or previously incarcerated.
As a woman in politics I have not faced challenges because I am a woman; I have faced challenges because I continue to challenge the status quo. People question why I would run against a long standing incumbent, but I respond, why not? Nothing will change in our state unless I choose to fight for it.
What led you into politics? Why are you running for THIS office?
I have become involved since I was a young child because of my grandmother, as I mentioned before. I entered college as an education major, but when the No Child Left Behind Act was passed, I changed my major and passion for humanity. I never thought I would be an elected official, but I always knew the importance of being involved with politics.
I am running for this office because I have a desire to see change. I am sick of attending forums with my representatives, and seeing people who don’t prioritize our constituents needs. It is time for someone to step up and value the opinions of community members, represent our district in Illinois policy, and be the change our state wants to see.
If you were currently in office, how would you use your office to address the economic harm from COVID19 in your community?
I have real experience with small business, and the issues municipalities are facing due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. It would be my priority to make sure our local businesses and constituents are given adequate resources. My district is made up of different municipalities who require different needs. Because I have experience in the various communities, I would ensure that our state prioritizes those in serious need. Local businesses facing permanent closures and families facing eviction and losing the ability to pay for basic needs like utilities and groceries take priority over larger businesses and wealthy communities.
I would consider removing the surcharge on communities to receive their sales tax revenue; yes, this would result in less revenue for the State, but it would inject that lost revenue directly into our communities.
What do you believe the greatest challenges are to creating a more racially just legal and political system?
I believe the greatest challenge to racism is a matter of mind, will to change, and heart. You must confront all of these things to move the needle. We can fight for justice, and try to educate people about why what they believe is wrong; we can try to change their minds. Even when they realize that what they say and do might be wrong, they must have a willingness to change. They must, for some reason, want to change themselves. This is much harder than educating, it is compelling someone to want to change themselves; unfortunately, many racists will never reach this stage on their own. Finally, these people need to change their heart. To interact with someone and realize that all the stereotypes and prejudices they had were false; these are real people with real stories just like themselves. It takes work, but it is possible to change someone’s heart and make them unlearn some of their racist tendencies.
What are the most overlooked issues from a policy perspective impacting women in your district?
I do not believe there is one secret policy holding women back, I believe that women in my community realize that the sexism they face is much different than the sexism of other races, locations, and backgrounds. Nonetheless, we have a current representative that continues to ignore the policy woes of women. When asked, he will tell you that he voted to ratify the equal rights amendment, but will not speak on how he has failed women in Illinois. He does not push for women to receive equal pay. He condemns the idea that women should have access to birth control and/or fertility options in their healthcare. He denies the right for women to choose, without creating affordable childcare (which disproportionately affects single women and female heads of households).
What do you wish you had known before you decided to run for office?
Bluntly, I wish I knew that the COVID-19 pandemic was going to happen. My staff and I prepared for everything that would happen in a traditional campaign environment, but this was not something we had ever seen coming. While I feel the campaign, and the entire world, would have been better prepared for such a shift in the way the world works, I am proud of those that have learned to adjust during this time and continue to advocate for those in need. I am proud of my staff and myself for re-learning how to campaign in these strange times, and learning so much along the way.
Closing comments
As I stated in the beginning of this application, it is my purpose in life to serve. I have not entered into ‘politics’; you’ll hear me say I do not do politics. I am here to govern. I am here to assist my constituents, not myself. The state of Illinois is full of wonderful and diverse communities, and I want every community to thrive. The 105th district is becoming more diverse every year, and I believe our government needs to become inclusive and better represent our constituents. It is time we bring pride to our community, and make this an even better place to live. It is time to RISE; Revive Illinois Strong and Energetic, because strengthening and energizing the community to become more involved is what will make our state thrive throughout the challenges ahead post COVID-19.
If you would like to learn more about Chemberly Cummings and her platform or volunteer for her campaign, please check out her website at Don’t forget to follow her on Facebook at @chemberlycummingsildistrict105. Reach out today and help make a difference in the upcoming 2020 election.
(The information contained in this post is provided only as general information and does not imply an endorsement by She Votes Illinois.)